There is no sport that can't be enhanced or improved upon with hypnosis. All sports require a mind-body connection.
"Greatness isn't so much talent as it is will." - Mike Ditka
"The only disability in life is a bad attitude." - Scott Hamilton
"Time is limited so I better wake up every morning fresh and know that I have just one chance to live this particular day right, and to string my days together into a life of action and purpose." - Lance Armstrong
"Golf is 95% from the neck up." - Arnold Palmer
There is no sport that can't be enhanced or improved upon with hypnosis. All sports require a mind-body connection. Both the mind and the body must be "in-synch" with each other and it is this connection, harmony, fluidity and automatic subconscious response, that leads to great or exceptional performance. Most sports psychologists will agree: 80% of an athlete's performance is due to attitude and mental conditioning.
Years ago, during the Olympics, we wondered, and were in awe, of the Russians winning the majority of the gold medals. Upon investigation, it was learned that the Russians were not only training athletes' bodies, as was the USA, but were also training and enhancing their minds with the use of hypnosis, sports psychology, guided imagery, and visualization. Once the USA started using similar techniques they began winning a lot more medals.
Hypnosis with an experienced and qualified hypnotist or hypnotherapist can improve your game, or sport, (whatever that might be) and can make you a better and more competitive athlete. Since only a few athletes are utilizing hypnosis for sports improvement, this is a great way to have a significant advantage over your competition or just for self improvement. When others have just a "playing coach", you will also have Dr. Mulhausen and hypnosis as your "mind coach".
Sports hypnosis can be used to refine athletic performance providing strong focus and increasing muscular endurance. sports hypnosis can:
Famous athletes who have successfully used sports hypnosis to enhance and maximize performance include; Tiger Woods (golf), Jackie Nicklaus (golf), Wayne Gretzky (hockey), Steve Hooker (pole vaulting), Mary Lou Retton (gymnastics), Jimmy Connors (tennis), Kevin McBride (boxing), etc.
To achieve your goals in any sport you need to plan for success. The hard part is getting started and executing plans that bring you closer toward your goal.
When you fail to reach your sports improvement goals, frustration, anxiety, and self-doubt begin to creep in. Failure in reaching your goals may even give you thoughts of giving up your sport altogether (e.g. golf, marathon, etc.).
Sports hypnosis can help with goal setting, motivation, procrastination, concentration, anxiety, focus, self-confidence, etc. As Emerson, the great port, once said: "They conquer who believe they can" and Henry Ford said; "If you believe you can you will, and if you believe you can't you're right either way."
Sports hypnosis is so effective and powerful because it deals with the mind body connection.
For optimal performance in any sport, the mind and the body need to be in sync, fluid, and in harmony. The great athlete does not have to think about what he or she is doing, but just do it naturally.
Sports hypnosis is like a secret weapon. The majority of athlete have coaches and even special coaches for each facet of their sport or game. Vey few have a "mental coach" and this is where sports hypnosis makes a difference. Dr. Mulhausen tells his golfers, who utilize sports hypnosis that "hypnosis is like having a 15th club in your bag" (only 14 clubs are allowed).
Stress occurs when the demands tax or exceed resources, such as skills or support that the athlete has at his or her disposal. Stressors can be acute, chronic, or intermittent, and they can also be expected or unexpected.
Sports hypnosis is a very effective way to target symptoms of stress such as somatic (e.g. heart rate, respiration, muscular tension, etc.), behavioral (e.g. direct actions taken or not taken because of stress), and cognitive affective (e.g. worries, beliefs, apprehensions, and negative expectations).
Sports hypnosis involves getting the athlete to a heightened state of awareness, with relaxation of the body, where perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or actions can be changed through suggestion.
Smoking decreases stamina and performance, as muscles that get inadequate oxygen become fatigued more quickly.
Athletes who smoke tend to suffer from shortness of breath more often than nonsmokers, as their muscles and heart demand more oxygen that their lungs are able to supply.
Smoking keeps athletes from performing their best. Thus, all athletes need to quit smoking in order to maximize their athletic potential and performance. Many effects of smoking can be reversed when an athlete quits smoking.
The athlete's ability to tolerate exercise is decreased by smoking. Not only is the length of time an athlete can to exert himself decreased, but his maximal effort is significantly lower.
Smoking constricts the blood vessels and decreases the amount of oxygen delivered to the muscles, leading to premature exhaustion.
Smoking causes a decrease in lung capacity that will eventually cause an athlete to feel winded, or out of breath with less effort.
Smoking cessation is one of the best things an athlete can do to increase sports performance, endurance, and stamina.
Athletes who lose weight, to a normal, healthy weight, increase and maximize their athletic performance especially in competition. Dramatic weight loss, in a short period of time, is not a healthy way to reach your goal of an optimum weight.
Clinical hypnosis is an effective, safe way to lose your desired weight without any side effects of weight loss pills and medications.
With gradual weight loss, it is safer, healthier, and more effective and you are more likely to keep the weight off.
Weight loss is directly correlated to improved sports performance: more stamina and endurance, increased energy, faster running time, less fatigue, less injuries, etc.
Dr. Mulhausen is a golfer, and bowler, and played varsity soccer as an undergraduate at Case Western Reserve University. He has helped amateur and professional athletes improve their performance for over 35 years.
Remember when you play better, you enjoy playing more and get more satisfaction from your enhanced performance. Why wait? Call (440) 899-1680 now to become a better athlete.
Sports Hypnosis
Counseling during your engagement can decrease the chance of divorce and set a precedent for how you cope with future problems. Receiving pre-marital counseling can help you reinforce healthy communication techniques and prevent destructive relationship patterns from developing.
Divorce counseling is often a useful means of ending a marriage peacefully. 50% of marriages end in divorce, 60% of second marriages, and 74% of third marriages.
In divorce counseling the initiator is provided a safe setting to tell the other spouse why his/her decision is irrevocable. And the spouse gets a safe place to tell the initiator his/her feelings about the divorce and the relationship.
Divorce counseling can help both parties accept responsibility and the finality of divorce without putting blame on each other for the divorce. In this manner, the couple can manage a cooperative and non-destructive divorce.
Individual counseling focuses on the well being of the individual which is whatever the individual's issues or problems are at that moment.
Counseling sessions will involve discussions and therapy about situations that either bother the client or have bothered the client in the past, how you feel or have felt during those situations, and what might have caused the client to feel such emotions.
You do not need a serious issue or problem to see a counselor. Individual counseling provides time, and opportunity, to discuss relationship issues, childhood issues, or problems surfacing due to employment, career, or personal life changes.
Dr. Mulhausen has been doing individual counseling with adults, adolescents and children for aver 40 years for a variety of issues and problems. Why struggle with personal, professional, or work problems when counseling can be an effective solution to your problems?
Dr. Mulhausen has been doing family counseling for over 37 years. If one family member has a problem (e.g. addiction, depression, or behavioral problems) it affects the whole family unit. Family counseling can bring peace and harmony to an otherwise disruptive, chaotic and troubled family. This type of counseling can also be very useful and effective for addressing family-wide problems such as conflicts between siblings, spouses, or parents and children.
The purpose of family counseling is to help family members improve communication, solve family problems, understand and handle specific family situations (e.g. death, serious physical or mental illness, or child and adolescent issues), and create a better functioning home environment.
Family counseling can be a source of support, encouragement and love but sometimes relationships within families are put under strain and family members feel isolated or overlooked.
Family counseling can help when siblings aren't getting along, or when parents and children are going through a divorce or separation.
Dr. Mulhausen practices mind-body medicine and believe that the mind can make the body sick and the body can make the mind sick. He provides cancer counseling before, during, and after treatment.
Dr. Mulhausen has been trained in individual and group cancer counseling by Exceptional Cancer Patients (Meadville, Pa.) and Bernie Siegel M.D. mind - body practitioner ex-surgeon and author of many books. Dr. Siegel has a national and international reputation in cancer counseling.
Dr. Mulhausen utilizes counseling, and especially clinical hypnosis, to help boost the immune system, deal with the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, and assist with the emotional aspects of cancer (e.g. fear, worry, stress, anxiety, depression, etc.).
Dr. Mulhausen provides cancer counseling to cope with a cancer diagnosis, deal with emotional issues, work through difficult decisions, discover inner strengths and resources, explore ways to enjoy life while on this journey, ways to increase physical and emotional comfort, ways to reduce stress, etc.
Clinical Hypnosis is also very effective in dealing with the physical and emotional aspects of cancer and cancer treatment.
Dr. Mulhausen assists America's Aging Population in expanding "Golden" opportunities.
Every day, 5,000 Americans turn 65 years old. To these thousands of older Americans, life is a paradox. Their "golden" years can be a time of either increased choices in life or a narrow restraint on their life, strong personal relationships or loneliness, security with a stable future or insecurity with an uncertain future.
Dr. Mulhausen expands the choices of nation's older persons by:
Call now for an appointment: (440) 899-1680.
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