Check out what our clients are saying about our service
Male - 45
"I have absolutely no desire to drink any alcohol anymore. The results of hypnotherapy are more than fantastic."
Prior average daily alcohol intake was either 2 bottles of wine, 1 bottle of vodka, or 12 bottles of beer. This client works as a dealer in a casino where alcohol is continually present on a daily basis.
Male - 56
"COMPLETE VICTORY, better than I ever thought. I am more alert and awake. I have a different life now. I am full of concentration, completely alert without medication."
Male - 4 sessions
Dear Bill, I wanted to thank you for all of your help. I can say that I have never felt healthier emotionally in my entire life. And while there have been a number of factors contributing to that, like hard work and Anthony Robbins, your expertise has played a significant role. My ability to be receptive to love, my patience with others, my self-esteem are all healthy - indeed I see myself as a patient person, as a person with a great self-image, as a person who is loved and is loved easily. I had a birthday on Tuesday and there were nearly 30 of my closest friends crowded into a restaurant, which would not be possible without my valuations of self and others that you helped bring about.
Male - 14
"This is the first time in 5 yrs. that my son didn't vomit, due to extreme anxiety, before starting a new school year. Thank you!"
Female - 37
Dear Dr. Mulhausen, It's been roughly 6 weeks since my visit to you and I'm delighted and grateful to report a significantly improved sense of well-being. I've used "self-hypnosis" as an anxiety reduction method that has proven particularly helpful at times when headache and migraine pain were intense and surprisingly, at first, I found that the severity and intensity were reduced. I'm no longer surprised and use the technique regularly (as in daily and sometimes more often) to control tension (also a source of headache) and anxiety. I believe that I'm experiencing arrhythmic events less often as well. I plan to continue to use and explore hypnosis as a tool. Thank you very much for your help.
Female – 38
I can’t believe it’s been 1 week already since my hypnosis. Time sure does fly! Since the hypnosis, I’ve been sleeping more deeply and staying sleep longer with only waking up to use the bathroom. The racing thoughts about my breakup have diminished greatly. Don’t get me wrong, I am still very well aware of what happened. However, I am beginning to feel more neutral about my break-up. I had one difficult day last week (Wednesday). It was during my IOP PBT skill group therapy. While discussing our daily goals, I broke down crying, not over the breakup, but over the fact that I am lonely and trying to find friends in the area. I still have a lot to work on, and I may seek your expertise again in the near future. My anxiety needs some hefty work. Lastly, I want to thank you again for your services. I can and will overcome this.
P.S. I read the breakup affirmations daily.
Female - 52
"I made it through the MRI. It was a long time. I had a biopsy and received the results today, a good bill of health!"
Female - 42
I am so grateful that I have you on my "team". I feel fabulous. Everyone's astounded at my quick recovery from surgery. I just smile and tell them it's love, positivity, a higher power, and hypnotherapy! With great appreciation.
After 3 weeks of the hypnosis, a lot has changed. I am able to eat many more foods than I was able to prior to it. I have fully regained my sense of smell but I’m still working on the taste. Thank you for helping me get through this rough time.
Male - 10 (mother's comments)
"Dentist and assistant were amazed. He was MUCH better, calm, only gagged twice. He couldn't believe how quickly the appointment went himself. I could see him relax every time he used his cue." 6 months later "He continues to improve at the dentist. Every positive experience helps him along. He is pleased, too, with how well he is doing." (Before hypnosis, client went through 5 different dentists; current dentist can't believe this is the same child)
Female - 36
"Thank you for giving me my life back."
Dipping, Chewing Tobacco
Male - 38
"It has been 1 year and 21 days since I quit dipping." Male 36 "Doing fine, no chew, no cravings! I feel good!"
"Doc, things are going well. Wife is happy!"
Female – 40
After 2 failed attempts to pass my professional board exam, I was able to pass the exam with only one session of clinical hypnosis plus your support, encouragement and test taking tips, techniques, tools, and strategies. Thank you so much – I’m so grateful.
Female - 45
"I am now able to drive to and from work, etc. without problems."
General Healing
Female - 63
"The blues have vanished and my fear of the doctor has lessened greatly."
Female - 20
Today, I drove for the first time since meeting with you. I felt calm and in control the entire time. I never thought that would be possible. Thank you for all your help!
Male - 21
"Thanks for helping me to be a better golfer, a better person, and to be mentally stronger than my opponents."
Female - 65
"I'm becoming me again! I can hug again without guilt. I am feeling better about myself and my friends have noticed a big difference."
Female - 30
"Overall I feel I have been doing well and I feel I am making great progress."
Female -15
My daughter has made tremendous improvement in her skills since she saw you for clinical hypnosis!
Female - 16
"Since my visit with you 2 weeks ago I have had only 2 headaches. I used to have 1-2 a day!" (After 1 month, the mother reported that headaches were no longer a problem in her daughter's life).
Female - 63
"Hooray! Hooray! It is still working and this technique also helps other stress management techniques."
Sill sleeping much better. Also started taking melatonin and got a new CPAP machine. Thanks so much for your help and guidance.
Male - 15
Since I saw you the ability to sleep well has improved. My overall sleep seems to be consistently deeper and ultimately better.
What a pleasure to meet you. You are an exceptionally talented counselor. I am so grateful we came to you for our marriage counseling. We are looking forward to our next session. Thank you.
Female - 47
"I am using PSR, paying attention to details; sorting information properly; recalling information correctly."
Female - 77
"I have not had one bad dream since I saw you. I no longer have to fear jumping out of bed and injuring myself as was previously the case." (Client was finally able to return to her own bed and house instead of living with her daughter and her watchful care.)
Female – 16
I finished indoor season for track with 3rd place at conference with a new personal record of 12’8”. This tied the pole vault school record!
Thank you for everything.
Male – 53
I can’t believe how well hypnotherapy worked to solve my problem (even when I did not think that I was hypnotized). My mind now is clear, more focused, no longer weighted down, life changing, and everything bothering me is gone. Wow!
Male - 52
"I feel happy, relieved and sleeping better."
Female – 53
Thanks to the pre-surgery hypnosis session my cancer surgery went well, the margins are clear, very little pain, and I am healing nicely – good job!
Thanks for giving me the motivation to pack up my professional library where it will be valued and used in the future (This client passed away shortly after donating her professional books and papers).
Male - 37
"I used to be reticent but my boss says I am a different guy and apply for new positions that I would not have done before. I am glad other people can see my improvement and I endorse you 100%."
Female - 42
"Just wanted to let you know the divorce is final, I have a boyfriend, and life is getting better all the time.
Just a short note to say thank you for helping me to enter the New Year 'smoke free'.
I cannot really express exactly how I feel about quitting smoking. The change is complete and total; I am a permanent non-smoker. I never realized before exactly what it was that I was doing to myself and to those around me. When I came to you I know that I did want to stop smoking. I knew that it was best for myself and those around me, I never realized how offensive it was to those who did not smoke! Perhaps the biggest single change has been in the return of my sense of smell and the ability to notice how foul the odor is. I can smell a smoker outside in a parking lot before anyone else, and I realize that that is how I used to smell.
I cannot say it is easy to quit, you really have to want to, but I can say that it is not anywhere as hard as I led myself to think before I actually quit. If you are positive in your desire to stop and hold that thought and use the affirmations, my favorite is #1 "I am a permanent non-smoker", then it isn't all that hard. At least for me it wasn't.
Again, I want to say thank you for helping me to help myself. Of all the things I have done this year, stopping smoking has given me the most satisfaction and provided best for my family. We all truly appreciate your helping me to help myself.
Male - 42
"One year ago I put this card away. Today when I retrieved it I cried. I did not foresee that I would ever be able to write, I am still a non-smoker. But I am!!!"
Male - 40
"I still can't believe it is coming up to my 6 mos. anniversary smoke free. It is a whole new beginning in my life, I feel clean and my lungs are clean. Thank you so much."
Female - 41
"Great Day! Little to no cravings at all. Not overeating!"
Female - 33
"On my 1 year anniversary I am a non-smoker! Haven't touched one cigarette since we met."
Male - 62
"6 months out and so far no desire to smoke Doctor's tests have improved unbelievably. Nearing 1 year and I am still OK!"
"6 months have passed, and many stressful events and I am happy to report that I am still smoke free."
Female - 55
"Cigarette smoking stinks. I had to wash all my sweaters and jackets."
Female - 52
"I am doing great, real busy!"
Female - 65
"It has been 12 weeks since I stopped smoking."
Female - 49
Using clinical hypnosis to stop smoking is the best thing I've ever done in my life! (Non-smoker now for over 12 years).
3 weeks of success!! I am amazed and my family is overjoyed!! Can't thank you enough for all your expertise and advice.
Male - 33
"I passed my practical!"
Male - 65
"Everything is going well. Thank you for introducing me to hypnotherapy."
Male - 19
"Shot a 65 - my personal best. I scored in the top 10% in a tournament of 110 golfers."
Male - 52
"I can see the light! Thanks to your help I am doing much better. Headaches have all but disappeared and sleep anxiety is getting better every day. I am using self-relaxation and it works!"
Study Skills
Male - 19 (college student)
"Instead of D's and F's and flunking out" I am now getting grades of A's and B's." (Client said "If I can improve this much with just one session, I wonder what 2 sessions would do?" Client did come in for a second session and his grades improved even more).
Male - 52
"Oh my God! I can't believe I'm not stuttering anymore. (This client had been a severe stutterer for 35 yrs. It took nearly 5 minutes for him to give me his phone number. He endured many years of teasing, embarrassment and humiliation)."
Male - 45
"Passed the test with no problems! My ability to control breathing and emotions was obviously the key."
Male - 36
"I just finished my oral exam. I wasn't nervous and my voice was good and confident."
Male - 36
"During the exam I felt confident and really relaxed."
Male - 28
"I can't believe I passed the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) exam and am now a CPA! Thanks for your help in passing this exam!" (Client flunked the exam 7 times in a row before passing it with the help of clinical hypnosis).
Female - 15
Thank you for my recent hypnosis regarding my tumbling challenges. I had a successful cheer tryout and I was able to tumble on the gym floor without fear. Thank you again for helping me reach my goal.
Female - 47
"So far, so great! 7# in 1 week."
Female - 42
"I am eating smaller meals and have cut out snacking throughout the day. 2 weeks and 5 # gone."
Female - 34
"Still eating the right way at mealtime. I am choosing the "right foods". I work out as often as I can. Am down 23#."
Female - 47
"Success! Everything tastes better. Moving is easier."
Male - 56
"Cut soda consumption by one-half. Attitude still positive."
Female - 64
"Getting better every day -- no cravings. My focus is not on food as it used to be."
Female - 25
"I am doing great -- no longer addicted to sugar. I am eating healthier and exercising daily.
Counseling during your engagement can decrease the chance of divorce and set a precedent for how you cope with future problems. Receiving pre-marital counseling can help you reinforce healthy communication techniques and prevent destructive relationship patterns from developing.
Divorce counseling is often a useful means of ending a marriage peacefully. 50% of marriages end in divorce, 60% of second marriages, and 74% of third marriages.
In divorce counseling the initiator is provided a safe setting to tell the other spouse why his/her decision is irrevocable. And the spouse gets a safe place to tell the initiator his/her feelings about the divorce and the relationship.
Divorce counseling can help both parties accept responsibility and the finality of divorce without putting blame on each other for the divorce. In this manner, the couple can manage a cooperative and non-destructive divorce.
Individual counseling focuses on the well being of the individual which is whatever the individual's issues or problems are at that moment.
Counseling sessions will involve discussions and therapy about situations that either bother the client or have bothered the client in the past, how you feel or have felt during those situations, and what might have caused the client to feel such emotions.
You do not need a serious issue or problem to see a counselor. Individual counseling provides time, and opportunity, to discuss relationship issues, childhood issues, or problems surfacing due to employment, career, or personal life changes.
Dr. Mulhausen has been doing individual counseling with adults, adolescents and children for aver 40 years for a variety of issues and problems. Why struggle with personal, professional, or work problems when counseling can be an effective solution to your problems?
Dr. Mulhausen has been doing family counseling for over 37 years. If one family member has a problem (e.g. addiction, depression, or behavioral problems) it affects the whole family unit. Family counseling can bring peace and harmony to an otherwise disruptive, chaotic and troubled family. This type of counseling can also be very useful and effective for addressing family-wide problems such as conflicts between siblings, spouses, or parents and children.
The purpose of family counseling is to help family members improve communication, solve family problems, understand and handle specific family situations (e.g. death, serious physical or mental illness, or child and adolescent issues), and create a better functioning home environment.
Family counseling can be a source of support, encouragement and love but sometimes relationships within families are put under strain and family members feel isolated or overlooked.
Family counseling can help when siblings aren't getting along, or when parents and children are going through a divorce or separation.
Dr. Mulhausen practices mind-body medicine and believe that the mind can make the body sick and the body can make the mind sick. He provides cancer counseling before, during, and after treatment.
Dr. Mulhausen has been trained in individual and group cancer counseling by Exceptional Cancer Patients (Meadville, Pa.) and Bernie Siegel M.D. mind - body practitioner ex-surgeon and author of many books. Dr. Siegel has a national and international reputation in cancer counseling.
Dr. Mulhausen utilizes counseling, and especially clinical hypnosis, to help boost the immune system, deal with the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, and assist with the emotional aspects of cancer (e.g. fear, worry, stress, anxiety, depression, etc.).
Dr. Mulhausen provides cancer counseling to cope with a cancer diagnosis, deal with emotional issues, work through difficult decisions, discover inner strengths and resources, explore ways to enjoy life while on this journey, ways to increase physical and emotional comfort, ways to reduce stress, etc.
Clinical Hypnosis is also very effective in dealing with the physical and emotional aspects of cancer and cancer treatment.
Dr. Mulhausen assists America's Aging Population in expanding "Golden" opportunities.
Every day, 5,000 Americans turn 65 years old. To these thousands of older Americans, life is a paradox. Their "golden" years can be a time of either increased choices in life or a narrow restraint on their life, strong personal relationships or loneliness, security with a stable future or insecurity with an uncertain future.
Dr. Mulhausen expands the choices of nation's older persons by:
Call now for an appointment: (440) 899-1680.
©2024 ACC Alpha Counseling Center & Hypnosis